Today we went to Church to celebrate the feast day of St John Bosco; who is the patron saint of children; and magicians apparently! We also decorated a candle to take to Church as Sunday is the Presentation (Candlemas). The children were so well behaved at Mass and made me very proud. It really is a lovely experience for the children to attend Mass and it also gives them an opportunity to practice their prayers and responses in preparation for their Holy Communion journey later this year.

Here is what we have been learning this week…

-Maths: this week we have had a focus on place value addition of two and three digit numbers. We even challenged ourselves and added two 4 digit numbers by partitioning! Wow!

-English: we created a conversation between Robert and Nita to add to our new episode. We then created a boxed up plan so we are ready to write up our episodes on Monday.

-Science: we conducted an experiment to see whether the surface of a table would affect the speed a plastic tub would travel on it. We used lots of different materials to do this and spoke about friction.

-R.E: we continued to look at Zaccheus and wrote about a time when we had sinned but were forgiven.

-Geography: we labelled, on a map, the different countries that make up Europe.


-Maths: Henri

No other awards were handed out this week due to us being at Mass. These will be handed out in Monday’s assembly instead.


  • On Thursday 13th February we will be having a ‘Silly Sock Day!’. The children are still to wear their school uniform; along with their silly socks or tights. We are asking the children to bring in £1 on this day as we are raising funds to revamp our school library.

  • The children have been given the opportunity to design the front cover of the programme for the RSC’s Taming of the Shrew at the Grand Theatre in March. If your child would like to take part; please can they bring their design in no later than Monday. It needs to be on an A4 sheet of paper; and portrait. No text allowed; just pictures!

  • On Friday 28th February we are having our Julia Donaldson event for Reception and Year 1. Please spread the word about this event as it promises to be lots of fun! Tickets are available from the office for £3.

Please see the homework tab for this week’s tasks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac