This week we have started our new R.E. topic ‘Called to Change’. We will be learning all about sin this term and this week we spoke about how God will always forgive us as long as we say sorry and really mean it. We role played an argument with a friend and then added in a resolution where we apologised to one another. We also spoke about how important it is to forgive someone who apologises to us; which isn’t always easy. The power of God’s forgiveness is so strong that he forgave St Peter; who committed one of the greatest sins - denying Christ.

We have, as always, worked very hard this week in all of our learning…

-Maths: we have compared and ordered numbers.

-English: we have planned and started to write our new episodes of ‘A tale of two robots’. We have also learnt all about inverted commas.

-Science: we have started to think about how objects move on different surfaces ready for an experiment next week.

-Geography: we started a new topic on Europe. We located Europe on a map and thought about the different countries that make up this continent.

Award winners this week were:

-Maths: Flo

-Writing: Leo

-Golden: Livia

Please see the homework tab for this week’s tasks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac