We were super lucky to have a writing workshop with our patron of reading Dan Worsley on Wednesday. Dan is a fantastic author and guided us through how to create an opening to a story about an alien encounter! The children learnt how to describe a character effectively and also how to show the reader how a character is feeling without actually saying it. The children loved every second and have written some fantastic pieces of writing to show Dan when he next visits us.

Here is what we have been learning about this week…

-Maths: we have continued our theme on measurement and have learnt all about capacity. We did this practically by estimating how much we thought containers could hold; and then we filled them with water and poured that water into a measuring jug to find out each container’s capacity. Thank you to all who sent in containers - I have returned any that I know you will want back; and will recycle the rest.

-English: we have started to think about writing our own science fiction story! Next week we will be writing a new episode of the text we have been looking at this term (A tale of two Robots). I am excited to see what Robert and Nita (two room cleaning robots!) are going to get up to on their adventures!

-R.E.: this week we have been thinking about questions relating to Mary that are difficult to answer. We thought of our own questions and then had a go at trying to answer each other’s. Father Jim popped in to see us today and he helped us to answer some of the trickier questions the children had come up with!

-Science: we learnt all about pushes and pulls.

-DT: we made our very own Iron Man models which have now come home. The children worked very hard on these despite them being quite tricky to make!

Our award winners this week are:

Maths: Vinny

Writing: Sophie

Golden: Maia

Well done!

I also wanted to say a huge well done to all the Y3 children who auditioned today for our upcoming performance of the RSC’s Taming of the Shrew at the Grand theatre. I was blown away by their confidence and enthusiasm! We wish we could take all of you with us! Unfortunately; only 30 children (across years 3,4,5 & 6) can take part. Children who have gained a place in the performance will be told next week.

Finally, a message from Ebony in Year 3…

From Fri 28th Feb - Sun 1st March 2020, I will be performing in a fantastic show for all the family. ‘The world at your feet 2020’ is a production that celebrates the best of song and dance including Riverdance, Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary and Musical Theatre by the elite students from Blackpool’s Whittaker Dance and Drama Centre (est 1952). Tickets can be bought from The Grand Theatre Box Office either in person, over the telephone (01253 290190) or online at www.blackpoolgrand.co.uk

Please see the homework tab for this week’s tasks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac