It has been a joy to welcome the children back to school this week after the Christmas break. I had missed them! They have come back refreshed and ready for 2020. I have been amazed at the fantastic work they have produced this week and with their mature attitudes to each other and school life.

Our first day back at school saw us celebrating the Epiphany. We had a whole school assembly to learn and talk about this special day. This term our own gifts to God will be to show him how we can be curious and active as followers of Jesus; just like the wise men were.

Here is what we have been learning about this week…

  • Maths: we have had a focus on measurement; in particular, length. We have learnt all about measuring and drawing lines to the nearest cm and mm; tricky stuff!

  • English: we have started a new unit of work on fantasy stories. We are all enjoying immersing ourselves in our text; A Tale of Two Robots. We have also been reading The Iron Man alongside this as our class reader.

  • Science: we have started a new topic - Forces & Magnets. We created concept maps to work out what we already know about this subject; and we will add to these as our topic progresses. We also conducted an experiment where we measured how many Newton’s were needed to lift certain objects using force meters.

  • R.E.: we imagined we were Mary being interviewed about the events that had happened to her after The Annunciation up to the visit from the wise men. First of all we acted out this interview and then we wrote down what we thought her answers would be to various questions.

  • Art: we have created some fantastic chalk and oil pastel drawings of the Iron Man.

Our award winners this week were:

  • Writing: Lily

  • Golden: Idana

Please see the homework tab for details of this week’s tasks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac