Here we are; at the end of our Autumn term. I just wanted to take the opportunity to wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas. It really is the most wonderful time of the year! Your children have worked unbelievably hard this term and I couldn't be prouder. I am extremely excited to see what 2020 brings.

It goes without saying that this final week in school has been incredibly busy in various ways; but we have finished off today with a lovely party to celebrate the festive season and our achievements in Year 3 so far. Thank you very much to those who attended our Carol Service on Wednesday. The children were fantastic and played their parts brilliantly; I was smiling from ear to ear throughout!

Our award winners this week are:

Maths: Abigail

Golden: all of Year 3 - for all the hard work they put in to our Carol Service

Writing: Idana

Have a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac