This week we have continued to prepare ourselves for Christmas and the coming of Jesus. We have focused on this during our daily worships and took time to reflect on what we need to do to prepare. We have thought about the importance of saying sorry when we have done wrong but we have also discussed how important it is to accept an apology when it comes our way. Above all, we have remembered that we need to have a loving heart at all times.

Most of our week has been taken up with Carol Service practice! The children have blown me away with how hard they have worked and I know they will impress you all on Wednesday.

Despite the busyness we have managed to fit in some fantastic learning…

-Maths: we have been learning how to choose an appropriate strategy when faced with an addition or subtraction.

-English: the children completed their instruction text on How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth and then wrote another instruction text on How to Catch Santa! Some amazing writing has been produced this week.

- R.E: we unpicked the Hail Mary and had a go at writing this special prayer in our own words. We also role played the visit between Mary and Elizabeth; and wrote a letter to Elizabeth explaining why Mary said yes to God.


  • Our carol service is this Wednesday at 2.30pm over at Church.

  • On Thursday we are holding our Christmas Jumper Day. Please bring a £1 donation to Cafod.

  • Instead or bringing in individual Christmas cards this year we are asking the children to bring in just one card for the whole class and to make a £1 donation to Cafod. Thank you for your donations and cards so far.

  • If your child has been suffering with a tummy bug please only send them back to school 48 hours after their last incident of sickness/diarrhoea. This will help us greatly in the battle against bugs at this time of year!

  • School finishes this Friday at 2pm for the Christmas holidays.

Awards this week:

  • Maths: Lillie

No other awards were handed out this week due to us watching the fantastic dress rehearsal of the Reception nativity.

Please see the homework tab for this week’s tasks.

I hope you’re having a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac