The past couple of weeks in Year 3 have flown by! I cannot believe that we are nearly at the end of our first week of Advent. During our worships this week we have focused on how we can prepare for the coming of Jesus. We have spoken about the true meaning of Christmas; and how we need to keep this at the forefront of our minds when we find ourselves focusing too much on all the excitement Christmas brings (although it is important to also enjoy this wonderful time in all its glory!)
Here is what we have been up to in our learning over the past two weeks:
English: we have immersed ourselves in the text How to wash a Woolly Mammoth which is an instruction text. The children have really enjoyed this book and have performed role plays, created posters and learnt all about prepositions and bossy verbs to prepare for writing their own instruction texts. Today we have planned our instructions ready for writing on Monday.
Maths: we have been dividing with remainders, looking at our times tables and matching division facts, subtracting by counting up and adding using partitioning. Phew!
History: we have finished our topic on The Stone Age. Our final task was to design a piece of Iron Age jewellery. The children have also written an information text on the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Their writing is coming on in leaps and bounds!
Science: we have also completed our topic on Animals including Humans. We finished with a focus on the functions of the skeleton and how our muscles help us to move.
R.E.: we have focused on Advent and made our Advent promises.
In class we are also reading The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch. There is a section of the book where the children visit the North Pole and come across a forest full of wishes. The children have spent time creating their own wishes and they will be on display soon.
19th December: Christmas Jumper Day. Please bring a £1 donation for Cafod.
Instead of bringing in individual Christmas cards this year we are asking the children to bring in just one card for the whole class and donate £1 to Cafod. Thank you for your donations so far.
KS2 Carol Service will be held on the 18th December at 2.30pm. Practice starts next week! We look forward to seeing you there.
Just a reminder that if your child has been off with sickness please keep them off school for 48 hours after the last symptom.
Our Advent services at school started this morning. We have a further two scheduled for the next two Fridays - these will be held in school at 8.15am. Please join us! There will be tea and toast available afterwards.
Our award winners for this week and last week are:
Golden: Franchesca & Maisy
Writing: Malachy, Ollie & Sam
Maths: Idana & Malachy
Everyone really is working so hard, well done Year 3! I am very proud of you all.
Please see the homework tab for details of this week’s tasks.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Heim-Sarac