Good afternoon everyone,
It is lovely to have finally been able to properly meet you all. As you may know, I have spent the past 2 weeks looking after my baby daughter who was born at the end of August. I thank you all for your kind words of support during this amazing part of my life.
This week in Year 2, we have continued to settle in as the children have learned to adapt and adjust to our routines in class. Our worship has focused upon being chosen by God and how He has a plan for each and everyone of us. I encourage you all to show your talents and skills, not hide them under a bushel!
English - We have been focusing upon The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas. We have explored the emotions in the book and have learned a range of new vocabulary to describe the different degrees of these emotions. We have also practised using the subordinating conjunctions ‘because’ and ‘when’ in our sentences.
Maths - In Maths we have been focusing upon place value, the most important foundation of all our maths learning. We have looked at tens and ones and the various ways we can represent these and have been learning ways to partition numbers.
Science - We learned how animals change as they grow from babies to adults. We learned how different animals grow in different ways and some undergo huge changes!
RE - We learned about how God has chosen us and expressed our feelings about being chosen. We learned that our class is made up of different strengths, skills and talents and that when we use these talents we become stronger as a team.
History - As part of our Great Fire of London topic we learned about modern London and discussed some of the things you could do there if you visited.
PE - Our indoor PE sessions focused upon dance and our outdoor session focused on throwing and catching skills.
Computing - We identified and labelled some of the key input and output devices of computer system.
This week’s homework are activities which will be ongoing. I have sent home a number and letter formation sheet to ensure all children are able to form their letters correctly and in the right direction. I will send these home weekly for you to continue to practise.
Year 1 Common Exception Words - Please practise these 10 words at home. Look at the word, cover it and then write the word. Please do this once a day for 5 days to really reinforce the knowledge.
Partitioning worksheet - Look at each number and split it into its tens part and its ones part.
Golden Award -
Writing Award -
Maths Award -
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Sanderson