Good afternoon everyone,
This week we have been learning about Peter’s miraculous escape from prison. We thought about how Peter’s friends prayed to God for his safety and freedom and that God allowed this. We know that God can’t always save us from the bad things that happen to us but that if we talk to him and follow his guidance then He can help us to get through anything.
We were also incredibly lucky to watch a rehearsal of Year 6’s ‘End of Year Show Show’ which it is safe to say Year 2 absolutely loved! One of the songs which stuck with us said “this is my resurrection day, nothing’s gonna hold me in the grave” and this has special meaning about how nothing can hold us down when we follow Jesus and God.
English - This week we have begun our new story: The King Who Banned the Dark by Emily Haworth-Booth. We have been making predictions about the story and developing our vocabulary.
Maths - In Maths we have focused upon pictograms at different scales and block diagrams. We collected our own data to complete these.
Science - We experimented with how different materials can or cannot change shape by bending, stretching, twisting or squashing. We loved this practical investigation!
RE - We thought about the importance of Peter’s escape from prison and made crafts to remind us of the story.
Geography - We explored the city of Sydney. We learned what we could do there and we made comparsions between things you could do in Blackpool and those you can do in Sydney.
PE - We continued to practise for sports day.
Please continue to practise the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words - both reading and spelling!
Please practice learning the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables as later this half term we will be having times table tests on these.
Other Tasks
There are no other tasks this week as I want to really emphasise the importance of reading. Several children don’t seem to have read for a few weeks at home now and I just want to ask you to please continue this. Reading is of the utmost importance.
Thank you all for your participation and attendance for KS1 Sports Day. The results were VERY (and I mean VERY!) close but Layton were this year’s winners. We hope you enjoyed it!
Golden Award - Macie - for always showing a great learning attitude. She aims high and listens carefully at all times.
Writing Award - Penny - for excellent editing of her animal report.
Maths Award - Annie - for better listening which has led to super statistics work.
Our wet play toys are becoming a little tattered and tired and we are in desperate need of something newer.
If you have any toys, games, figures or playsets that your child no longer uses or has outgrown that you are able to donate to us we would be incredibly grateful.
Thank you in advance!
Diary Dates
17th July - Reports out to Parents
Please Remember….
Water bottles - This will come home each night to be cleaned and re-filled. Please ensure your child brings their’s each day especially now it is hotter as we do not have any spares in class.
Earrings - please ensure these are only small gold/silver studs as stated in the uniform policy. Please also make sure earrings are removed at home before PE on Tuesday and Friday. Children wearing them will not be able to take part in PE.
Nail Varnish - please ensure any nail varnish is removed for the pupils come into class. It should not be worn at school.
In this hot weather the children should come to school wearing sun cream, have a hat with them and have their water bottle each day. Please note the message sent during the week stating that children must wear shoes, and not sandals, to school for safety reasons. Many thanks.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons