Good afternoon everyone,
The above quote seems very poignant in many ways at present. We have been blessed with a lengthy period of lovely, sunny, hot weather but this has brought storm clouds and heavy rain along with it. We often find ourselves missing out on the happy moments as we worry about what is to come. I know many of the children are beginning to reach the end of Year 2 and are thinking about what is to come in Year 3. For some this will be an exciting and positive time but for others it will be a time of anxiety and uncertainty. We are encouraging each other to be open and honest with our emotions and allowing others to support us.
We have also discussed our approach to learning in these hot, tiring days as we can see the end on the horizon. Even though we are tired, we must keep trying our hardest so that we can continue to grow in caring, learning and respect for others. We must be the shining example of behaviour and hard work to those who find it tricky right now - the calmness in the storm.
English - This week we have delved deeper into non-chronological reports and have analysed our example texts with our partners. We have explored the key features of this type of text and identifed these within a range of different texts. We have also explored vocabulary and the importance of careful sequencing to create the best experience for our audience.
Maths - In Maths we have had a very practical work as we have begun our unit on measuring length and height. We used cubes as non-standard measures and have also used rulers in centimetres and metre sticks to measure a range of objects around school. We applied our skills to compare and order lengths.
Science - In Science we carried out an investigation to explore absorbency by testing how quickly different types of paper and fabric absorbed water and how strong they were when wet. This helped us to learn the best types of paper town and fabrics for cleaning up spillages.
RE - We learned about the early Christian community after Pentecost and how Christians lived and worshipped. We wrote about the things they did and began to make links about how we might do similar things today. We also explored key people in today’s church including Pope Francis, Bishop Paul, the Cardinals, Father Frank and Father Chris as well as the other people who help in our Parish.
Geography - We used atlases to label some Australian cities and described their positions using the 8 cardinal points of a compass.
PE - This week we practised our sports day activities.
Art - We continued with our Australia themed art.
Please continue to practise the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words - both reading and spelling!
Please practice learning the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables as later this half term we will be having times table tests on these.
Other Tasks
Spelling Test
the /o/ sound spelt with an a when it comes after w, wh or qu.
Dots and and dashes worksheet.
Car colour survey tally chart.
Golden Award - Jessie - for always aiming high which shows in her learning.
Writing Award - Matilda - For her wonderful attitude to her writing.
Maths Award - Ava - for excellent measuring work.
Diary Dates
5th July -MOVING UP AFTERNOON - a chance for the children to experience an afternoon in Year 3!
7th July - Year 2’s Science visit to Stanley Park - arrive at normal time as our coach doesn’t leave until 9.30. Please arrive before then otherwise we may be gone if your child is late.
!4th July - KS1 SPORTS MORNING (Sport’s Day - but just the morning for KS1 - KS2 are in the afternoon) Please note that if it rains and we are unable to do sports day, our next date will be 17th July
17th July - Reports out to Parents
Please Remember….
Water bottles - This will come home each night to be cleaned and re-filled. Please ensure your child brings their’s each day especially now it is hotter as we do not have any spares in class.
Earrings - please ensure these are only small gold/silver studs as stated in the uniform policy. Please also make sure earrings are removed at home before PE on Tuesday and Friday. Children wearing them will not be able to take part in PE.
Nail Varnish - please ensure any nail varnish is removed for the pupils come into class. It should not be worn at school.
In this hot weather the children should come to school wearing sun cream, have a hat with them and have their water bottle each day. Please note the message sent during the week stating that children must wear shoes, and not sandals, to school for safety reasons. Many thanks.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons