Good afternoon everyone,
This weekend marks an incredibly important historical event for our country. On Saturday 6th May, King Charles III will be officially crowned as King of Great Britain. Having talked to children around school, I know how excited many of us are for this event. In school yesterday, we learned all about what the coronation is, what will happen and why it is important. To get us into the celebratory mood, Year 2 decorared their own crown and also iced their own red, white and blue cake! We also had a picnic lunch, which we brought our teddy bears to.
English - This week we revisited descriptive writing and it is safe to say that Year 2 are fantastic at using their expanded noun phrases, prepositions and exciting vocabulary to describe settings. We also looked at creating exclamation and question sentences and explored the different use of the -ly suffix as both an adverb to describe verbs, as well as an adjective to describe nouns.
Maths - In Maths we have continued our work on fractions. We have identified halves of shapes and calculated halves of amounts. We have also identified quarters and have begun to make links between halves and quarters .
History - We learned all about Grace Darling, her early life and the reason why she is significant. We worked in groups to create mindmaps which explore Grace Darling’s life and how her life was different to our own.
PE - In our first PE lesson we began a unit of work on striking and fielding where we hope to build up our skills to play rounders! Our second PE lesson has focused upon fundamental movements skills.
Art - We have been looking at collage and have learned about Henri Matisse. We began to look at his work ‘The Snail’ and use ripping and tearing skills to make our own version of a snail.
Please continue to practise the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words - both reading and spelling!
Please practice learning the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables as later this half term we will be having times table tests on these.
Other Tasks
I am not setting any homework this week. All I ask is that you please try and read as much as physically possible! We begin our SATS work next week and I would like the children to feel confident in their reading. This will really help them when tackling this work. Thank you!
We have noticed that fewer children seem to be reading regularly recently. Please could we ask that you read at home with your child as often as possible. The more they read, they more confident they will get. Reading is such an important skill for accessing the whole of the curriculum, including our special SATS work we will complete during May.
Golden Award -
Writing Award -
Maths Award -
Discipleship Award -
We will be beginning our SATS work next week. This will be done in small groups in a quiet place and we aim to make the experience as enjoyable as possible for the children. The papers will be spread out throughout the next few weeks and there will be ample breaks in between papers in order to ensure we do not overwhelm the children. Please continue to practise reading and times tables to ensure your child is in the best position they possibly can be.
We have recently had head lice among some children in Year 2. As I’m sure you are all aware, these can spread quickly and can return if they are not treated quickly and effectively by everyone who has them. An email was sent home to all parents late last week to give information about how to spot and treat head lice. However, I have also attached information from the NHS website to give more information.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell