Good afternoon everyone,
This week we heard about Jesus appearing to his Apostles on the Road To Emmaus. They walked with Jesus and talked to Him about Jesus’ death. However, they were not aware that they were actually talking to Jesus himself. Eventually, they offered for Him to stay and eat with them and, only when He began to break the bread and pass it to them, did they realise who they had been walking with.
We have looked at this story, as well as other stories about Jesus appearing after his crucifixion. We discussed the importance of the story of Doubting Thomas and his need to see proof before he believed. We discussed how we can trust others, just like Jesus wants us to trust Him.
English - This week we have been delving deeper into our class text. We explored the features of the narrative and identified these with our partners. We then explored the writer's choices and discussed the impact and effect these choices had on us as the readers. We also reviewed our knowledge on question and exclamation sentences, writing these about pictures from the story.
Maths - In Maths we have finished our work on division after looking at using bar models for grouping and sharing. We explored how to divide by 10, solved word problems and began to look at the language of parts and whole for our fractions work.
Science - In Science, we learned and wrote about the life cycle of a sunflower. We also checked on the progress of the seeds and bulbs we planted last week. Some have finally germinated! Finally, we set up an investigation to observe whether plants need water or sun to grow well.
RE - In RE, we retold the Easter story. We used our knowledge to delve deeper into the meaning of the Easter story and what it reveals to us about Jesus.
History - We have begun our new topic on Grace Darling and the history of life boats by looking at how life boats have changed since the first one in 1795. We compared these with the modern boats and explain why we thought these changes may have been made.
PE - In our first PE lesson we began a unit of work on striking and fielding where we hope to build up our skills to play rounders! Our second PE lesson has focused upon fundamental movements skills.
Art - We have been looking at collage and have learned about Henri Matisse. We began to look at his work ‘The Snail’ and use ripping and tearing skills to create our own collage patterns.
Please continue to practise the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words - both reading and spelling!
Please practice learning the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables as later this half term we will be having times table tests on these.
Other Tasks
Times Table
I have sent home the 4 times table to practise at home. This is not for a test at this point but will hopefully give us more confidence/knowledge to solve quartering fraction problems.
Please continue to work on handwriting at home.
Please practise the -ing suffix where the ‘e’ needs removing before adding ing ready for a test next Friday.
Please complete the le ending worksheet as we find this a tricky spelling.
I have sent home a Maths arithmetic paper to practise at home. Please encourage your child to draw to support their understanding.
Remember this for missing number problems:
If the missing number is at the beginning, do the inverse and your winning. (inverse means opposite: add->subtract, times->divide, and vice-versa)
If the missing number is in the middle, do a subtraction (or division) to solve the riddle. (for add/subtract do a subtraction; for times/divide do a division)
We have noticed that fewer children seem to be reading regularly recently. Please could we ask that you read at home with your child as often as possible. The more they read, they more confident they will get. Reading is such an important skill for accessing the whole of the curriculum, including our special SATS work we will complete during May.
Golden Award - Erin - for reflecting on how showing more focus improves her learning and for aiming high in taking steps to keep focused.
Writing Award - Luna - for excellent question and exclamation sentences.
Maths Award - Sienna - for always aiming high and trying her best.
Discipleship Award -
During the month of May is the window for Year 2 SATS. We will be spreading these out across May but please make sure that we are aware of any extended absences in good time so we can make any adaptations for individual children.
There are four mandatory SATS papers: Maths Arithmetic, Maths Reasoning, English Reading Papers 1 and 2. There are also two optional papers: Spelling and Grammar and Punctuation. It is likely that we will do these optional papers as well.
I will send home a small selection of practise papers for you to prepare your children, if this is helpful.
To celebrate King Charles’ Coronation Our Lady’s will hold a ‘Celebration Afternoon’ on FRIDAY 5TH MAY. On that day we are inviting the children to come dressed in red, white and blue and KS1 can bring a teddy for the day for our afternoon tea party!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell