Good afternoon everyone,
This Week in Year 2
In English we have been writing our traditional tales which explain how the Beast become the Beast. We have thought about the key features we need and have worked hard to include expanded noun phrases to give more detail to our writing.
In Maths, we have been learning about fractions with a focus on both halves and quarters. We learned how to find these fractions and how fractions are linked to division.
In Science, we have been observing changes in the seeds and bulbs we planted last week. We have also begun a new investigation to find out what things plants need to best grow.
In History, we have been learning about an important person in the history of lifeboats, Grace Darling, we learned about her early life and used photograph sources to make conclusions about her life.
In RE, after making our Paschal candles last week, we have been writing about the symbols on them and what they represent. We have also been learning about the first time Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection on the shores of Tiberius and wrote about this.
In computing, we continued our programming work and learnt more about the various motion blocks and what they do. We used them to make our sprites move along the screen when we used keyboard inputs.
I have sent home a SATS revision booklet for children to practise their maths skills learned this year.
Our ‘times table test’ this week will be a focus on division by 5. Try to learn this both ways, e.g. 50 divided by 10 = 5 and 50 divided by 5 = 10.
SATS Arrangements
We will begin our SATS on Tuesday 3rd May. These will be done in small groups throughout the mornings and will be made as stress free for the children as possible. There are 6 SATS papers in all: 2 reading papers, an arithmetic paper, a maths reasoning paper, a grammar and punctuation paper and a spelling test. We will begin next week with our reading papers. Please continue to practise reading everyday to ensure children are confident when completing their papers.
Award Winners
Golden Award - Zachary - for always welcoming a challenge.
Writing Award - Oscar-James - for working independently in his RE writing.
Maths Award - Eleena - for pushing herself to complete more complex problems.
Have a lovely long weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell, Miss Collins and Mrs Gibbons