Good afternoon,
It has been lovely to welcome the children back in this week and hear all about what they have been up to during their Easter break. We began our week with an assembly by Miss Haggerty and learned all about alleluia and how this is our exclamation of joy that Jesus is risen! We learned to sing the alleluia prayer.
This Week…
In English, we have continued our learning about traditional tales. We focused upon creating our own traditional tale which explains how the Beast may have become the Beast. Our ideas have been very creative! As well as this, we learned about the importance of expanded noun phrases in traditional tale texts and practised creating our own to use in our stories.
In Maths, we finished our work on division by looking at dividing by 2, 5 and 10. We have now begun our topic of fractions to fully prepare us for our upcoming SATS. We have explored halves, what they are and how we find them/
In RE, we looked at the paschal candle, its significance and what each symbol on it means. We then created our own candles, thinking carefully about their meaning.
In Science, we begun our topic on plants. We planted a sunflower seed and a freesia bulb and will observe them as they grow. We also learned about the four main parts of a plant, labelled them and wrote about their function.
In History, we explored lifeboats as part of our Grace Darling topic. We made comparisons about modern lifeboats and older lifeboats.
In Computing, we continued our programming work. We learned how to make our sprite much left or right when we press specific buttons.
In PE, we began our athletics for our outdoor slot and developed our fundamental movement skills.
Homework this week is…
Spelling words for a fortnight’s time.
Finding half of amount worksheet.
SATS reading paper to practise.
Our SATS are set to begin on Tuesday 2nd May. These will be done in as relaxed manner as possible and the children will be taken in smaller groups to undertake their SATS papers. We will aim to spread out the papers (2 reading, 2 maths, 1 grammar and 1 spelling) across May so as not to overwhelm the children but we ask that you try to send your child to school as much as possible so we can ensure they are able to complete their papers.
Award Winners
Golden Award - Laura - for her hard work in all areas of school.
Writing Award - Martha - for her beautiful presentation!
Maths Award - Natalia - for excellent maths reasoning!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell