Good afternoon everyone,
Year 2 have begun their SATS work this week (our ‘special work’) and I would just like to express how incredibly proud I am of them and how well they have worked so far. It hasn’t always been easy but we have all perserved and accepted the challenge! Well done, Year 2.
This Week…
In English we have been focusing on our SATS work this week and have done plenty of reading activities. Much of our written work has been undertaken through other curriculum areas, such as Science, RE and History.
In Maths, we have continued our work on fractions to ensure we are confident when completing our SATs work. We have revised addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and have ensured we are confident with our written methods.
In Science, we have learned all about the life cycle of a plant. We have learned that all plants eventually die and that this means they will never regrow. We have also explored whether plants need soil to grow by planting beans in ziplock bags.
In RE, we learned about the story of Jesus telling his disciples that he would soon be leaving them again but would send the Holy Spirit to support them. We created comic strips to retell this, explaining the disciples feelings throughout.
In History, we continued our work on Grace Darling. We learned about her life and discussed how this was different that our lives. We learned about how she and her father rescued sailors from a shipwreck and wrote newspaper articles about this.
Please continue the maths revision booklets sent home last week.
Spellings - practice your groups’ spellings for a test in a fortnight’s time.
Computing - We have been using Scratch for programming this term. Please visit or download the Scratch app on a tablet or phone to practise moving your sprite along the screen.
Award Winners
Golden Award - Matilda - for a real improvement in her effort and listening. Matilda has shown lots of maturity this week.
Writing Award - Charlotte - for great morning GPS work.
Maths Award - Beaux - for her hard work in her Maths arithmetic paper.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Collins.