On Thursday Year 2 had our very first class Mass at Church. The children learned about and celebrated the feast of Candlemas, or The Presentation of the Lord, when Simeon and Anna saw Jesus and knew He was the saviour. He called Jesus 'the Light of the World’. We have talked about how we can shine our little light for Jesus by helping others and acting how Jesus wants us to. We really showed off our shining lights in church as we sat so respectfully and listened so intently. Those of us who read did an absolutely fantastic job and thank you for helping your children become familiar with some very tricky words.
This Week
In English, we have explored the story ‘The Quest’ and have been creating our own quiz questions based on the story to test our friends’ understanding of what happened. We also collected interesting and exciting vocabulary to use in our own writing. We have had a grammar focus and have developed our skills using commas and exclamation sentences.
In Maths, we have finished our work on addition and subtraction by adding three single-digit numbers. We have now moved on to looking at UK money with a focus on coins. We have been learning to recognise coins and understand their value. We have learned that some numbers do not have a single coin relating to them and that we need to make these amounts from combinations of other coins. Some of us are still finding recognising coins a little challenging so I have set some homework based upon this to gain extra practise.
In Science, we have examined the data we collected from our microhabitats hunt. We explained why the living things we found in each of these microhabitats were suited to living there, thinking about their basic needs.
In History, we have been learning all about Mary Seacole and why she is significant to the world. We have created information books to explain the key parts of her life.
In RE, we have discussed some of the actions Christians take because of their beliefs. We have linked this to stories we know of Jesus’ life and miracles and how He told us to love God with all of ourselves and to love our neighbours as ourselves.
In PE, we have been explored low travels and balances in gymnastics. In our striking and fielding games we have been learning how to use a tennis racket to control and hit a ball.
Please continue practise your spelling words for next week’s spelling test.
I have sent home two maths worksheets related to money to practice recognising coins and making small amounts.
There is a reading comprehension all about Mary Seacole.
Finally, there is a handwriting booklet: some of you will be practising your Year 1 words and some of you the Year 2 words. This is to encourage us to write these words correctly.
Award Winners
Golden Award - Callum - for his fantastic RE and Maths work this week and for settling into Our Lady’s school so well.
Writing Award - William - for super ideas in his RE writing.
Maths Award - Martha - for persevering with tricky work and showing her growth mindset.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell, Miss Collins and Mrs Gibbons