Good afternoon everyone,

We have had another busy week in Year 2. Mrs Gibbons has spent half of the week with us and has been very impressed with how much our brains are growing. She is very proud of all of the children’s hard work - as am I!

This Week

In English we have been looking at different sentence types. We have learned about and created statement, question and command sentences. We then focused carefully upon command sentences and how we can use these to make instruction texts to help others. We then planned and wrote an instruction text on how to prepare for a plane or boat journey. We have also done lots of comprehension work and have looked at how we can describe characters.

In Maths, we have done a lot of work on addition and subtraction and have been very impressed by how well the children have taken to using the methods we have learned. We explored finding the difference and how this is another way of subtracting but we can also count on to help us. We have looked at word problems involving addition and subtraction and have looked at the vocabulary used which helps us understand what to do. Finally, we have explored adding three 1-digit numbers by looking for patterns to help us.

In Science, we wrote descriptions of our microhabitats walk on the school grounds last week. We wrote about what we saw and thought about why it might like living there. We discussed the conditions in microhabits and how they might differ from the other habitats around them.

In RE we thought about being thankful to God and wrote prayers thanking God for all he does. We also began to look at the story of the feeding of the 5000.

In History, we learned more about Florence Nightingale and wrote about her life. We explored why she is significant and how she changed hospitals.

We also had a visit from the Life Education team who delivered some PSHE lessons to us on our bodies and feelings and keeping healthy both physically and mentally.


Maths - addition and subtraction word problems - Read the question, decide whether you need to add or take away, write the number sentnece and solve by drawing tens and ones.

Writing - Make a cup of tea with an adult. Use the worksheet to write instructions with a bossy word to explain each step clearly and carefully.

Spelling :

Mr Whetnall’s group - the ‘igh’ sound spelt with a ‘y’

Mrs Bowdell’s group - ‘ll’, ‘zz’ and ‘ck’ words.

There are also some letter formation practise sheets for some children.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Jacob - for his hard work, kindness towards others and for being such a helpful person.

Writing Award - Aibhin - for wonderful ‘instruction’ writing.

Maths Award - Laura - for excellent reasoning and problem solving.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Gibbons, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Collins

AuthorLiam Whetnall