Good afternoon everyone,

This week Year 2 have learned about staying safe online as part of Tuesday’s Safer Internet Day. We focused upon our personal information: what it is, why it is personal and who we should and shouldn’t share it with. We discussed the fun and exciting things we can do online and had a discussion about the permanency of our ‘virtual footprint’ and how anything we do online is very difficult to get rid of. We designed posters to explain to people what they should and should not share online to keep ourselves and others safe. We also discussed the importance of kindness online, just as much as face-to-face.

This Week

In English, we have been exploring setting descriptions as part of our quest story unit. We have developed our vocabulary and have used similes (comparisons using ‘like’ or ‘as’) and descriptive expanded noun phrases. We wrote our own setting description of a rainforest using the new skills we learned.

In Maths, we have worked hard learning about our money. We spent several days learning the ‘pence’ coins and learning how to count these amounts by ordering from largest to smallest. We have also spent some time learning ‘pounds’ coins and notes and have used the same methods to learn to count the totals of these amounts.

In Science, we learned about seaside habitats. We discussed how a seaside is made up of several smaller habitats and discussed how each part has different creatures adapted to living there.

In RE, we have learnt about Jesus’ Good News and how this relates to the Gospel stories. We wrote about how we can be Good News people by following Jesus’ example.

In History, we learned about Edith Cavell, our final significant nurse. We wrote about her life and achievements.

In PE, we continued our work on gymnastics by supporting our partner to hold balances and by using tennis rackets to hit a ball to a partner.


As it is half term, the children’s homework is to enjoy their break. Therefore I will not be setting any homework.

However, I will be sending home our next set of spelling words to practise over the break and during our first week back.


Due to timetabling conflicts, Year 2’s Tuesday PE session is changing to Thursday. Please come into school in PE clothing on THURSDAY AND FRIDAY from the beginning of next half term for the foreseeable future.

House Points Award

We have finally got round to counting up our class house points. Our winners were Layton and as a reward, on the first Thursday after half term (24th February), the children in Layton will be able to come to school in their own (practical) clothes.

Please note this is only for Year 2 children and not for other year groups.

Award Winners

Golden Award -Alexander - For a great attitude towards his work, especially Maths!

Writing Award -Ellenie - For a super setting description.

Maths Award -Matilda - For great reasoning about money.

Congratulations also to our Young Seasider Artists from Year 2 - Olivia, Roma and Willow.

Congratulations to Willow on winning our KS1 prize!

Have a lovely half term break and stay safe,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Gibbons, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Collins

AuthorLiam Whetnall