Good afternoon everyone,

I would like to take this chance to thank you all for your support and attendance at parent meetings on Monday. It was lovely to catch up with you all and be able to celebrate the children’s successes with you.

The children have been proudly telling me about the school challenges you have set them and it is lovely to see their involvement in their learning with you! Many thanks!

This Week…

In English, we have planned and begun to write our own quest story based upon Lost and Found and The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers. We thought about the purpose of our quest, what would start it, where we might travel and what problems we might face in these places. I cannot wait to read the finished pieces.

In Maths, we have continued our work on money and all the teachers have been blown away by the children’s knowledge and what they have remembered. We have been making amounts in pence, pounds and then in both pounds and pence together and have learned the need to keep these amounts separate.

In Science, we learned about woodland habitats. We described some animals and plants that live there and explained some ways in which they are suited and adapted to that habitat.

In RE, we learned about why Mass is so important to Catholics. We discussed how we should behave when we go to church and created poster to explain to others how to be their best during Mass.

In PE. we continued our gymnastics and net and ball games lessons and further developed our skills.

In History, we summarised our knowledge of Florence Nightingale, Edith Cavell and Mary Seacole and used this to make comparisons between the nurses.

In Computing, we began our work on algorithms, learning what they are and sequencing real world algorithms of our own.


Please continue to practise the spelling words sent home before half term.

I have also sent home a maths worksheet to draw coins to make amounts of money in 2 different ways. (e.g. 12p might be 10p + 2p, 5p + 5p + 2p, 5p + 5p + 1p + 1p, 5p + 2p + 2p + 1p + 1p + 1p, etc)

Finally, I have sent home a past Y2 SATS reading paper to practise with your child and allow you to see how these look in preparation for May.

World Book Day

World Book Day this year is on the 3rd March. However, we will not be doing a dressing up event in school for this until 25th March. World Book Day activities will still occur on the 3rd of March though.

PE Days

Just to remind you all that for the forseeable future, Year 2’s PE days are now Thursday and Friday.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Natalia - for a wonderful ‘can do’ approach to her learning and a fabulous quest story opening.

Writing Award - Eleena - for great ideas and beautiful presentation in all her writing.

Maths Award - Charlotte - for excellent reasoning about money.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell, Miss Collins and Mrs Gibbons.

AuthorLiam Whetnall