Good afternoon everyone,

It has been another busy but fun week in Year 2 as we continue to grow our brains and develop our skills. We have been working very hard on all our learning.

This Week…

In English, we have been continuing our learning on quest stories and have begun to look at another Oliver Jeffers story ‘The Way Back Home’. We have been making predictions, comparing and contrasting stories and have written letters from characters in the story.

In Maths, we have been exploring subtraction. We have taken really well to subtraction without an exchange but have been really challenged by subtraction with an exchange. There will be a homework sheet to allow the children to do more practise with this with a lesson video.

In Science, we have explored world habitats. We have learned about some animals and plants that live in various habitats and organised these carefully into grids.

In History, we have been learning about pre-Victorian hospitals and have been comparing these with modern hospitals. We began to learn about the important role Florence Nightingale had in beginning these changes.

In RE, we have discussed questions we had about the story of Jairus’ Daughter. We have also considered answers to these questions by working with a partner. We have also created a comic story to retell the story of Jairus’ Daughter.

In PHSE we have been learning about boys and girls. We have discussed how we are the same and how we are different and have celebrated what makes us unique.

In PE we had a great treat on Tuesday. We had a visit from an archery coach who taught us how to use a bow and arrow. We really enjoyed this! Look towards the bottom of this post for pictures.



Mr Whetnall’s group - words spelt with a silent ‘g’ or ‘k’ before ‘n’. We learnt that these used to be pronounced and have used this to help us remember how to spell them, e.g. ker-new, ker-night.

Mrs Bowdell’s group -

***Spelling tests will now be every fortnight due to changes to our timetable in class. ***


Subtraction with an exchange worksheet. This is a video of me teaching how this is done if needed.


Apostrophes for possession worksheet.

Could I also please ask if you could continue to practise SPELLING the common exception words for Year 1 and Year 2 (these were sent home earlier this year) as lots of us are still making mistakes with them. Could you please also practise handwriting to ensure your child forms their letters correctly.


Golden Award - Jackson - for a fabulous attitude towards his learning and a super piece of independent RE writing.

Writing Award - Conleth - for working so hard on his handwriting.

Maths Award - Zachary - for welcoming challenges in his subtraction work.

Photos from our archery session

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Collins

AuthorLiam Whetnall