Good afternoon everyone,

Happy new year and welcome back to school as we begin our spring term. It has been lovely to see the children return and excited for their learning. We are still being met by the considerable challenges that covid continues to bring to us but continue to do our utmost to maintain learning and consistency for the children in school.

This Week…

In English, we have continued our Read Write Inc work. Most of the children have begun their new narrative writing topic with a focus on quest stories. We have looked the story Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers and have begun to sequence the story, summarise it and identify features associated with quest stories within the book. The children have made predictions and have been considering parts of the story with no explanation which we will be writing our own versions of next week.

In Maths, we have continued our work on addition and subtraction. The children are now confident with adding any two 2-digit numbers together using their tens and ones drawing method. We have also developed our knowledge of using these method to subtract. There is a homework sheet based upon this.

In RE, we have explored the story of Jairus Daughter being brought back to life by Jesus and have considered the feelings of both Jairus and Jesus at key points in the story.

In History, we have begun our work on significant nurses by discussing and exploring what is meant by significant and which significant people we have in our own lives.

In PE, we have begun our gymnastics topic with a focus upon jumping in different ways. Our outdoor PE has focused on striking and fielding skills and we have practised throwing a small ball accurately.


This week’s homework is…

  • A spelling sheet (half of these words we have already practised but we still need a bit more practise to spell them accurately)

  • A subtraction maths worksheet

  • A new year reading comprehension

School Uniform

We have noticed an increasing number of Year 2 children who have been wearing incorrect uniform to school. Please may I ask that children do not attend school with nail varnish, jewellery (such as necklaces, bracelets or dangly earrings) or boots. School uniform policy recommends flat soled (no heel), sensible shoes and boots are not appropriate for the classroom or running around outside.

Thank you for your understanding.

Award Winners'

Golden Award - Ellenie - For a super growth mindeset. She always aims to grow her brain and challenge herself.

Writing Award - Olivia - A super piece of RE work about Jairus’ Daughter.

Maths Award - Nevaeh - For great focus on her addition and subtraction.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday!

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Collins

AuthorLiam Whetnall