Good afternoon everyone,

We are now at the half way point in our first half term in Year 2 and we have been working so hard! It has been lovely to see the children grow in confidence so much already.

This week we have focused upon faith through the story of Abraham. We talked about how Abraham did as God asked without question and was eventually rewarded after his exhausting journey. We too can have faith in God, follow His lead and trust that His plan for us will come to action.

In English this week we have split up into our Read Write Inc groups. Some of us have continued our sounds and some of us are moving onto longer texts with our literacy and language scheme.

In Maths, we continued our place value work with a focus on comparing numbers using the symbols for greater than, less than and equal to. I have been so impressed with the children’s understanding of this.

In Science, we discussed the life cycle of a bird through chickens. We described the different stages and how all birds start their lives as eggs.

In RE we have looked at the story of Abraham and his faith in God. We discusses the promises God made and the faith Abraham showed.

In History we compared modern London and 1666 London, including buildings, people and transport. changes.

In Computing we discussed different types of computers and labelled the different parts we could identify.


Homework this week is…

-Spelling - Mr W’s group: soft ‘c’ words, Mrs B’s group: ‘ll’ , ‘zz’ and ‘ck’ sounds words.

Maths - comparing numbers sheets

English - using the conjunctions ‘but’ and ‘so’

Award Winners

Golden Award - Gabriel - for his fabulous attitude towards all his school activities.

Writing Award - Matilda - for her fantastic discussion work in RWI.

Maths Award - Alexander - for a new found joy in his maths work!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Collins

AuthorLiam Whetnall