This week, we have been looking at how we are all chosen by God and how he knows each one of us. We discussed our strengths and our talents and how God wants us to share these with others to help make the world a better place.

In English we wrote our summer holiday diary entries. I was impressed by the children’s efforts and some of them were very impressed that they had written the longest pieces they’d ever managed before! I look forward to marking them and seeing the wonderful things they have been doing.

In Maths, we continue our work on number and place value and have been look at a variety of ways of partitioning a two-digit number. We focused on splitting up numbers into the tens part and the ones part using addition sentences. We recognised the position of the = symbol and how this might change our number sentence.

In Science, we explored and classified different animals as a recap of our year 1 work. The children were excellent at identifying the five main groups and describing the defining characteristics of each.

In History, we have learned about the types of houses people lived in in London in 1666. We have begun to make our own models of these in class.


Water Bottles

Please remember to bring back water bottles everyday as we do not have any spares for the children in school.


Homework is sent weekly in children’s book bags on a Friday. This does not need to be returned to school but please try to complete it to reinforce children’s learning in class. If your child is off school we will try to place this work in their bag when they return. We have a weekly spelling test so please practice these words ready for our test on Friday.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Leo - for being a super year 2 role model. He is polite, hard working and kind.

Writing Award - Zachary - for amazing grammar choices in his diary entry.

Maths Award - Olivia - for always working hard and welcoming a challenge.

Have a fab weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Collins

AuthorLiam Whetnall