This week our worship have focused upon our faith and trust in God. We discussed Abraham again and how God had a plan for him but that Abraham had to be a patient and wait many years for God’s plan to happen fully. God has a plan for each of us and we need to keep behaving in the way that God and Jesus ask us to and show our faith in them until their plan for us happens.

It was lovely this week to finally see the return of our school photograph day. The children were so excited to have their pictures taken and they all looked so smart! These little pieces of normality hopefully show that we are on course for better times.

In English this week, we have been focusing upon our phonics skills and building our spelling up by learning alternate sounds to spell words. We have also been focusing upon sentence writing skills and ensuring we have included our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We looked at writing sentence to ‘show rather than tell’ our reader by describing someone experiencing a certain emotion. The children worked so hard on these!

In Maths, we finished our work on comparing numbers, have looked at ordering numbers accurately and finished the week by looking at counting in 2s. We have worked so hard and really shown off our super Maths skills.

In RE, we explored God’s promises to Abraham and the faith Abraham showed. We also discussed and wrote about how Abraham may have felt at certain points in his journey. We realised what a difficult journey it must have been for Abraham’s family.

 In Science, we looked at insects and learned that we can call them ‘invertebrates’ because they don’t have a backbone. We looked at the life cycle of a butterfly and were amazed at how much they change from an egg to an adult. We also learned that their body completely changes into a liquid inside their chrysalis. Amazing!

In History, we learned about the sequence of events of the Great Fire of London: including how the fire started, how it spread and how many buildings were destroyed.

In PE, we practiced and performed dance sequences to our audience and developed our moving and throwing skills with a ball.



Spelling words to practice – Mr Whetnall’s group need to write the word in the first column and double the last letter before adding ‘y’ to make the new word. These new words will be the words on the spelling test. E.g. ‘sunny’, rather than ‘sun’.

Reading – Great fire of London comprehension – read the information and answer the questions.

Maths – ordering numbers – order each of the sets of numbers from smallest to largest.


Award Winners

Golden Award – Martha – for being a real role model by listening well, using her manners and helping others.

Writing Award – Laura – for a super ‘showing, not telling’ description.

Maths Award – Conleth – for working hard with comparing and ordering numbers.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Collins

AuthorLiam Whetnall