Good afternoon everyone!

Well, we've had our first full week as Year 2s... And what a busy week it has been! We have settled in well into our new routines and really showing what they are capable of.

In English, we've been looking at diary entries through the Diary of a Wombat by Jackie French. We've looked at specific grammatical features, such as capital letters, conjunctions and time phrases (adverbs of time) and applied these to our written work. Next week, we will write a diary entry related to our summer holidays and try to use all these skills.

In Maths, we've been looking at numbers to 100. We've represented them in different ways and have learned how to draw tens and ones using our chunky chips and peas (see the homework sheet).

In Science, we've looked at how animals grow and the changes which happen with this.

In RE, we had talked and written about our gifts from God and how we can use these to help others. We have talked about being thankful to God.

In History, we have began looking at modern London: where it is and what things you could do there if you visited. We showed Gabriel's photo of his visit to Pudding Lane.

Our PE focuses are on dance and throwing and catching skills.


I have sent out our first lot of homework. There is a Maths sheet and an English sheet to have a go at. There is also a list of words to practice for our spelling test next Thursday/Friday (time dependent). Finally, I have included two documents - a counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s mat to continuously practice; and a Year 1 and 2 common exception words mat to practice reading and writing accurately by the end of Year 2.

You do not need to bring me your completed homework or submit pictures of this on Class Dojo. The homework is set for you to be able to have some insight into the kinds of tasks your child has been doing in school during the week.

Water Bottles and Bags

Please could you ensure that water bottles are brought back to school daily to ensure each child has access to fresh water in a clean bottle.

Could I also ask that you ONLY bring in the red school satchels provided to the children in Reception, rather than the larger backpacks we have see recently as these are too large for us to store and are not part of our uniform policy. Thanks for your understanding.


If your child wears earrings, these need to be removed before PE on Tuesday and Friday for health and safety reasons. If the earrings cannot be removed, your child will not be able to take part in their PE lesson.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Beaux - for always trying her best and persevering.

Writing - Emily - for superb and detailed sentences.

Maths - Jackson - for really focusing well on his number work.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and have a lovely rest ready for next week.

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Collins

AuthorLiam Whetnall