Good afternoon everyone,

It is lovely to be back with you all once again and to know that we are all safe and well. Thank you to those of you who managed to complete and submit the home learning tasks. The effort and time you have put into supporting your children’s learning is very much appreciated.

This week we have been picking up where we left off!

In English we have been continued with our Read Write Inc groups and looking at explanation texts. We have planned and begun to write our life cycle of a frog explanation text.

In Maths, we continue with fractions where we have looked at unit and non-unit fractions, doing lots of practical work to help us to identify these and solve problems involving them.

In Science, we have explored useful and useless materials to create everyday objects from. We’ve used the properties of these materials to explain why and suggested alternatives.

In RE, we have discussed the Holy Spirit and how it helps Christians in their everyday life. We thought about ways in which the Holy Spirit helps us and how we can share this with others.

In Geography, we have explored Sydney and some of the things we could do there if we visited. We compared Sydney with Blackpool and were surprised to find there were many more similarities than we first thought!

To celebrate England’s victory in the Euro 2020 semi final, we had an England-based arts and crafts afternoon where we made flags, posters and bunting to decorate ready for the final. Come on England!

Upcoming Events

Monday 12th July - ‘Little Zoo To You’ is coming into school for our end of year treat.

Friday 16th July - Teddy Bear’s Picnic on the school field. Please return letters if you have not yet done so.


I will not be setting any homework as we move into our last week of school. Instead, please continue to read as regularly as possible

Award Winners

Golden Award - Oscar - for his absolutely impeccable manners. What a polite boy you are, Oscar!

Golden Award - Dominic - for his hard work with his morning Maths.

Writing Award - Lola Mae - for her fantastic use of vocabulary in her writing.

Writing Award - Olivia S - for working so hard to sound out and write tricky words.

Maths Award - Emilia - for always explaining her reasoning so clearly.

Maths Award - Darcy - for her positive attitude and super Maths explanations.

We hope you have a lovely weekend, and remember…

Take care,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall