Good afternoon everyone,

Can you believe our final week in Year 2 is over? It has been a year in which we have watched 27 little people grow more and more into themselves (physically and academically, but most importantly, emotionally!) and I am so grateful to have been a part of this wonderful journey! This year has been tough again but you have all risen to the continuous challenges we have faced and overcome obstacle after obstacle and you should all be so proud of yourselves.

Mrs Bowdell and I are incredibly sad to see you moving into the juniors but are also so excited for you to move up into Year 3 where we know you will have the most amazing time! We are always just down the stairs for a chat and a catch up if ever you need it.

Continue to make us all proud with your love, kindness and care for others. You are all superstars!

This week…

In English, we continued to write our frog life cycle explanations. Unfortunately we were unable to fully complete these but what I have seen so far has been fantastic!

In Maths, we finished our topic on fractions by exploring non-unit fractions, finding 2/3s and finding 3/4s of amounts. This was really tricky but we were so impressed by how well the children did!

In Science, we completed our bridges. There were plenty of different designs and it was interesting to see the children testing their ideas in practice.

We finally managed to do our class sports day! I am terribly sorry to those of you who sadly missed this but hopefully next year’s sports day will be much more normal! There are some pictures of us in action at the bottom of this blog.

We also had our class party on Thursday. We danced, ate treats and had a fantastic celebration of all our hard work.

Monday was a very exciting day where we had a visit from Gemma and Alice of Little Zoo To You. We got to touch and learn about lots of different mini (and not so mini!) beasts. It was fab! Pictures at the bottom of the blog.

We also had our teddy bear’s picnic on Friday. A lovely end to a challenging year!

Award Winners

Golden Award of the Year - Grace - for demonstrating great resilience and perseverance in all her work this year. But, most importantly, for being such a kind, caring and polite young lady who does all she can to help and support others.

Golden Award - Alexander - for his perseverance and positive response towards challenges.

Golden Award - Teddy - for his lovely, warm and caring attitude towards others. He always shines his light in Year 2.

Maths Award - James - for his resilience and perseverance when challenged in his Maths work.

Maths Award - Harriet - for always wanting to grow her Maths brain more!

Writing Award - Connie - for a lovely explanation text about frogs.

Writing Award - Lilly C - for listening much more carefully and never giving up.

From both of us in Year 2, we hope you all have the most lovely summer holiday and we cannot wait to see you in Year 3 next year!

Stay safe and keep smiling,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

Little Zoo Visit Gallery

Sports Day Gallery

AuthorLiam Whetnall