Good afternoon everyone,
This Sunday’s gospel story is one we are very familiar with in Year 2. It is one of the stories of Jesus’ amazing miracles. The story of how he brought Jairus’ young daughter back to life. In this story, Jesus reminds us not to be afraid but, instead, to follow and believe in Him. When we believe in Jesus, He can help us in even the most challenging of times.
This week, Year 2 have been very busy and working hard as we prepare ourselves for the next step of our journey up to Key Stage 2.
In English, we have been learning about explanation texts. We have identified explanation text features, created glossaries of technical language, considered vocabulary we can use to sequence and link sentences and began to plan our own explanation text.
In Maths, we have explored quarters, thirds and unit fractions. Finding fractions of shapes and quantities. We have been very impressed by how well the children have grasped what can be quite a tricky subject. We will continue or fractions unit of work next week.
In Science, we considered why certain materials are suitable or unsuitable for a range of jobs and have began to consider other materials which have properties that make them perhaps more suitable. We have also begun a D&T investigation to explore the properties of a variety of papers by designing and buidling our own paper bridges and testing how much weight they can hold. We will continue this next week.
In RE, we have explored the fruits of the Holy Spirit that we recieve as disciples of Jesus and considered the ways in which we can apply these fruits to help others at school.
In Geography, we have learned about a range of important physical landmarks in Australia and have identified and labelled them on maps, creating our own map key and symbols to represent this.
In PE, we continue our athletics unit of work, which links in well with our practice for our upcoming sports day.
Illness and Covid
May I please ask, if you have not already, could you read my Class Dojo class story regarding school protocols for illness. It is incredibly important that we take the right precautions to limit the spread of Covid 19, including staying at home if demonstrating symptoms (cough, fever, weariness, loss of taste/smell, sneezing, runny noses and sickness/diarrhea) until a negative PCR test result has been confirmed. I hope you all appreciate that this helps to keep all our families safe. I know this can be a huge inconvenience for you all but it is so important and I thank you for your understanding.
Sports Day
Sports Day this year is slightly different. Due to Covid restrictions, we are unable to have a whole school Sports Day and are unable to allow parents to attend. Therefore, to ensure the children still get the opportunity to engage, each class is holding their own Sports Day whose results will contribute to the overall score for each house team.
Year 2’s Sports Day will take place on Monday (28th June) in the afternoon. Mrs Bowdell and Mr Whetnall will be guiding and assisting the children and will take photos which will be uploaded onto next week’s class blog for you all to see.
Again, I know it is disappointing that we are unable to come to school to cheer on our children but let us hope for a more positive situation next year.
End of Year Reports will be sent home on Friday 9th July. The reports have been adapted to account for missed learning during school closures and will give a picture of exactly where your child is now, rather than where they would be at this time in a normal school year. It is important to consider that the last 18 months have been incredibly disruptive and we are working hard to move the children’s learning along. Unfortunately, this is not always a quick and linear process for all and may take some time, as children all learn and develop at different paces so please do not feel disheartened if your child is not exactly where you would have liked them to be academically at this time.
Homework for this week is on the homework tab of our Year 2 section. Next week’s homework will be the last I set for this year as I prepare for the end of the school year.
Award Winners
Golden Award - Rosanna - for being a real role model in Year 2 and for always shining her light brightly.
Writing Award - Tommy - for working so hard on his handwriting and spelling.
Maths Award - Lily T - for really challenging herself in her fractions work.
Have a lovely weekend and stay safe,
Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell