storm can sink.jpg

Good afternoon all,

This week’s gospel story is of how Jesus calmly stopped the violent storm. It teaches us to have faith in Jesus and allow Him to calm the storms which may be stirring up in and around us.

This Week…

In English this week we have written our stories about a bully in a school, with a special focus on a suitable ending which links back to the beginning. I have been very impressed by the effort all the children have put into these stories and have really enjoyed reading them.

In Maths, we have continued to look at fractions and quarters. We learned how to find quarters of amounts and even began to explore 2/4 and 3/4 as well!

In Science, we thought about materials we would use for very specific purposes and explained the properties they have which makes them so useful for this!

In Geography, we have been looking at the cardinal directions: North, East, South and West and used these to describe the locations of key Australian cities which we had found and labelled on a map.

In RE, we continued our work on Pentecost and made stained glass flames to symbolise the tongues of fire which appeared above the disciple’s heads during Pentecost.

In PE, we have been practicing for sports day. Year 2 will be having their sports day event on Monday 28th June. Unfortunately we are unable to invite parents to attend this year but we will upload pictures of the events afterwards.

Rainbow Day

Thank you all for your participation in our rainbow day. It was lovely to see such a colourful classroom. Below is a picture of the children.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Connie - For always working so hard in all that she does.

Writing Award - Ronnie - For a huge effort and focus on his writing work and a wonderful story.

Maths Award - Isaac - for being more confident to have a go with Maths, even when he finds it tricky.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall