Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely half term break and are ready for our final half term in Year 2.

This Week

In English, we have planned and written recounts about the things we had done over the half term break. We thought about time phrases, conjunctions and adding enough detail to keep our readers engaged. I have enjoyed reading these and finding out about all the exciting things the children got up to!

In Maths, we have finished our division topic and have now moved onto fractions. Fractions can be a little tricky to understand so we are taking it slow and building up with our small steps. We have learned all about finding halves and fractions which are equivalent to halves, such as 2/4, 3/6, 4/8, 6/12 etc.

In Science, we continued to explore the function and suitability of materials and have been describing useful properties which each material has and why they might be useful.

In RE, we have been learning about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit. We begun to make a craft for this but unfortunately it didn’t quite work so Mr Whetnall will be having a think about how we can change this!

In Geography, we have begun our Australia topic by finding the country on a world map, making predictions about temperature and conditions there and have labelled the states and territories of Australia.


As I was unable to get homework to you before half term, this week’s spelling homework will be the same as before half term (I will send this home tomorrow). Please check the homework section for more tasks.

Dress Like A Rainbow Day

Next Friday (18th June) will be an own clothes day. We are asking the children to dress up in colourful clothes and to please bring in £1 to raise money for school gardening equipment.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Henry - For always putting 100% effort into all he does.

Writing Award - Elsie - For a lovely, detailed ‘familiar setting’ story opening.

Maths Award - Zahra - For really trying hard with challenging work.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall