Good afternoon,

Even though it’s been a short week it has been another busy one!

In English, we have been working on looking at characters in our stories. We have thought about how certain events can be viewed differently from different character’s perspectives and have written letters to an Agony Aunt from a suffering character.

In Maths, we have continued to look at our division facts. We have learned that we can use multiplication facts to solve division problems and have learned this is called finding the inverse. We have also been looking at dividing by 2 and have learned this is the same as finding half.

In Science, we have finished our work on plants and have learned that some plants don’t need soil to grow, so long as they have lots of sunlight and water.

In RE, we have learned about when Jesus told his friends He would soon leave them and would send the Holy Spirit. We discussed how the disiciples feelings changed throughout the story.

In Geography, we identified and described the functions of features found on an island. We also began to discuss whether certain features are human or physical features.


Golden Award - Hallie - For her wonderful attitude towards her learning and for always taking on a challenge.

Writing Award - Oscar - For super Read Write Inc work.

Maths Award - Alexander - For working hard to concentrate and focus.

A New Member of Staff in Year 2

We will be joined by Miss England next week until the end of term who is training to become a teacher. She will be taking groups and delivering some lessons. We will welcome her warmly!

Thank you and have a great weekend,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall