Afternoon all,

Our little classroom is beginning to look a bit like a jungle with all the growing of plants we have been doing over the past few weeks. It has been lovely to see the children’s interest and amazement in these miracles of God and nature and we can’t wait to see what happens next every week.

In English this week we have been revisiting character descriptions through our Sister for Sale book and have also been trying to ‘paint a picture’ of someone demonstrating an emotion, rather than just saying ‘they felt sad’. The children have done so well with this and know that this will improve their story writing.

In Maths, we have moved away from division by sharing and have looked at division by grouping. This helps enhance our understanding of how to solve division word problems effectively. We have also explored the inverse relationship between multiplication and division and have developed or understanding of how knowing our times table facts can make division very easy!

In Science, we completed two investigations in which we looked at the needs of plants to grow. We discovered that plants with water and sun were healthiest and that cress seeds grown in a warm place grew better than those in colder places. We also had a fun afternoon exploring plants we eat and sorted them into the parts of a plant we thought they came from. (see below) This was harder than we first thought!

In RE, we thought about and described the symbolism of the paschal candles which we made last week.

In Geography, we looked at some features and objects you would find on an island. We then used a map of the Isle of Struay to label these accurately.

We had another lovely music lesson this week with Miss Benson and the children really enjoyed this!


Please check the homework tab for this week’s tasks.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Olivia W - for being a real role model in Year 2 who can always be relied upon to do the right thing.

Writing Award - Corben - for his super ideas and enthusiasm in his writing.

Maths Award - Grace - for the amazing progress she has made in all her Maths work.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall