Well, what a week of wonderful weather we’ve had!

It has been lovely to watch the children playing together outdoors and enjoying our fabulous school grounds. Let’s hope for many more sunny days to come.

We have been very busy again this week growing our brains and building our confidence.

In English, we are settled into our Read Write Inc groups. Mr Whetnall’s groups have been looking at character descriptions through the story of Sister For Sale. Mrs Bowdell’s group have been looking at the story Playdays.

In Maths, we have been learning about division through sharing. We know how to identify how many groups we need to share between and that these have to be equal. I have loved seeing the children’s confidence growing in this area. We have also discussed how division is the inverse (or opposite) of multiplication.

In Science, we have discovered that beans can grow with water and sun and don’t necessarily need soil! We also learned about plant habitats around the world and how plants are suited to these habitats.

In RE, we heard the story of the Jesus appearing to his disciples on the shores of Tiberias and we also learned about the paschal candle, making our own with its individual symbols.

In Geography. we learned how continental, volcanic and coral island are formed and created diagrams to explain this,

Award Winners

Golden Award - Isaac - for a superb piece of RE writing.

Writing Award - Mia - for working so hard on her handwriting.

Maths Award - Dominic - for fabulous division by sharing.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall