Good afternoon all and welcome back!

It has been lovely to see the weather beginning to improve and the sun starting to shine more and more. However, it is still quite cold at times so could I please ask that all children bring a suitable coat or jacket with them into school in case they need it.

This week’s learning…

In English, we have gotten back into our Read Write Inc Groups. Mr Whetnall’s group are beginning their work on stories with a familiar setting and Mrs Bowdell’s group are beginning their next stage of Read Write Inc stories.

In Maths, we have continued our work on times tables and have looked closely at both the ten and three times tables. The children blew us away with their knowledge of the ten times table but have struggled a little more with the 3s. I have also noticed that lots of us are still find the five times tables challenging. Therefore, I will be setting the 5 times tables again as next week’s times tables test.

In Science, we have continued to observe our plants as they have grown and thought about the important needs they have to grow well.

In Geography, we have used atlases to find places and have identified if they are islands, what oceans surround them, which countries border them and which continent they belong to. The children have really enjoyed this!

In RE, we have looked at the roles of a parish priest and other important people in the church, including Father Jim, Bishop Paul and Pope Francis.

Our music lessons have also started up again this week and the children have really enjoyed them.

In PE, we have continued our work on team games and also developed our fundamental movement skills.


Go to our homework page to see this week’s homework tasks.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Tommy - for his super concentration and effort this week.

Writing Award - Rosanna - for her beautiful handwriting in her final draft of her instruction writing.

Maths Award - Olivia S - for trying so hard with her multiplication work.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall