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Good afternoon everyone and happy Easter to you all!

It has been a fun but busy week in Year 2 and the children have continued to work hard right up to the end. We are still a little giddy and loud but are gradually settling back into our school routines.

In English, we have been following instructions closely. We made crafts based on instruction texts (see below pictures), wrote instructions for how to make a cup of tea and began to write our own instructions for how to make our very own marvellous medicine. Hopefully we will be able to make these!

In Maths, we have continued to focus upon times tables and have been looking at solving problems with the 2, 5 and 10 times tables by drawing arrays or pictures of equal groups.

In Science, we have been doing lots of planting and growing! We have looked at how seeds can be spread from different plants in different ways and have also set up an investigation with a bean to see whether they can grow without soil.

In RE, we have finished our work on the order of the Mass and wrote the key things that happen at each part.

We have also done some Easter arts and crafts activities and have looked at the Easter story.


Over half term, I don’t give homework as I feel the break is very important for children’s well-being. However, we will send home two reading books so that children can continue to practice this most vital skill.

You could also continue to practice your 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables if you wish!

Age-inappropriate Computer Games

Recently, there seems to have been an increase in conversations about adult-orientated computer games. On a few occasions now, I have heard children discussing ‘Fortnite’ and ‘Grand Theft Auto’. These sorts of games are aimed for teenagers and adults and not young children. The content of them is violent and hugely inappropriate for Year 2s. Please could I ask that you check on which games your child is playing and which videos they are accessing on YouTube as it is hugely detrimental for children to be accessing this type of inappropriate content. Thank you.


Golden Award - Peter - for working hard and concentrating on his Easter art work.

Writing Award -James - for a lovely opening paragraph to his medicine instructions.

Maths Award - Ronnie - for always working so hard in Maths.

We hope you have a wonderful, restful Easter and come back raring to go for our final term in Year 2.

Take care,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell.

AuthorLiam Whetnall