Good afternoon everyone!

It is the end of another week, which means it is another week we are closer to a little more normality. I know things can seem very boring at the moment so it is important to find some joy in each day. I have loved hearing about all the exercise and fun outdoor activities you’ve all been taking part in and I’ve been glad you have all been keeping yourselves busy. Keep searching for your ‘small joys’ in life and ask God to help give you the strength to find those joys wherever you can. The title phrase here sums it all up well ‘The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease to be able to do it forever.’ So keep flying high, Year 2, because you are all stars.

Learning This Week

We’ve had another busy week both in school and at home and everyone has been working so hard.

In English we have looked at the story of Sam’s Duck by Michael Morpurgo and have produced wonderful writing work.

In Maths, we have focused upon column addition and subtraction and I’ve been blown away with the children’s confidence in this.

In Science, we have learned about the importance of exercise and how this improves and helps our bodies (and minds).

In RE, we’ve looked at the Gospel and Jesus’ Good News. We learned how Jesus brings this Good News and also that we can follow this example to continue Jesus’ work.

In History, we have explored and compared modern hospitals with those of the Victorian era. It has been amazing to find out just how much they have changed!

In Grammar and Punctuation, we have looked at exclamation sentences and thought about the specific features they need to have.

Upcoming Dates

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Tuesday 9th February is Safer Internet Day. I have set an activity for next week’s home learning on Tuesday to reflect this so each afternoon lesson will be moved forward one day to accomodate this. This year’s focus is upon building a trustworthy internet and teaches the importance of fact-checking knowledged gained online.


Thursday 4th March is World Book Day. Obviously this will be different than other years with school being closed to some children but we will be organising an activity for this day. There will hopefully be a story reading by class teachers as well as a competition. Whether at home or at school, it would also be lovely for the children to dress as a book character (however if in school, please limit to a simple costume with as few ‘loose’ items as possible).

Music with Mrs Benson

Here is this week’s message from Mrs Benson…

This week I would like you to start by listening to ‘I Saw Her Standing There by The Beatles. Work through the questions under the ‘questions’ tab. Click ‘next’ to see each question. There are 4 questions to answer. The Beatles were a British rock group in the 1960s.

Click on “About Song” to learn more.

Next we are going to learn to sign “I Wanna Play in a Band.” Watch the video and copy the actions. Have lots of fun dancing in the middle!

Oddizzi Geography Sheet

Here is this week’s extra Geography task.

Award Winners

Home Learner Award - Isaac - for his beautifully presented, wonderfully written and carefully thought-out work at home.

Busy Bee Award - Elsie - for working so hard in all her learning, both in school an at home.

School Learner Award - Grace - for her enthusiasm towards her learning and her lovely progress during this lockdown period.

Shining Light Award - Olivia W - for being such a kind, caring and warm-hearted member of our class who always puts others before herself.

A big well done to all those too who have worked hard both at school and at home. You are all superstar!.

Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing all your learning again next week,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Gibbons and Mrs Bowdell.

AuthorLiam Whetnall