Well, it’s the end of yet another week of blended learning, Year 2! It’s also another week where you have continued to make us all incredibly proud of you. You embrace every challenge that is presented to you and excel every time. Even though we are not all together, your growth and maturity is clear to see.

Feast of Candlemas

This coming Tuesday (2nd February) is The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (or Candlemas) and Fr. Jim has asked all those in school to create some exciting candles and lanterns to celebrate when Jesus was first presented to God. We remember the story of Simeon who was promised that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s son and how he was granted his peace upon seeing Jesus. If those at home would like to create your own candle or lantern please feel free to do so! The more light we can bring to this special occasion, the better! Fr. Jim will be displaying those made in school in the church next week.

Home Learning

I have been very impressed as always with the quantity and quality of the home learning being completed. You are alll working incredibly hard and it makes me very happy to be inundated with so many of the children’s amazing work so regularly.

In-Class KW Learners

Likewise, those critical workers attending school have also been working incredibly hard with myself, Mrs Gibbons and Mrs Bowdell. We are proud of you all!

In-class this week, we have been very busy.

In English, we have learned about quest stories and have explored The Way Home and Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.

In Maths, we have continued to work on addition and subtraction and have learned how to find the difference and calculate the answers to word problems.

In Science, we have looked at the needs of humans for survival. We have realsied that humans need more than their 4 basic needs to be truly happy.

In RE we have learned about The Feeding of the 5000 and have considered the ways we can be more like Jesus and show our Christianity by helping others.

In History, we have looked at significant people and have written about those who are significant to us, as well as globally.

Our SPAG focus has been upon using apostrophes for contractions.

A Message from Mrs Benson

Mrs Benson, our music teacher, has also been very impressed with how hard all the children have been working on their lockdown music lessons on Yuma/Charanga. She wanted to pass on to me how happy she has been with the engagement level.

She pointed out to me Emilia, Oscar, Harriet and Mia as her Music Stars of the Week for last week for their continuous hard work on Yuma/Charanga. Well done to these children, I will add 5 dojo points for each of you.

This week’s Music Stars of the Week are Elsie, Henry, Isaac and Mia. Well done to you all and I will add 5 dojo points each for you.

Children’s Mental Health Week

Next week marks the beginning of Children’s Mental Health Week and there has never been a more important time to focus upon supporting the mental wellness of our children. On this website are links to assemblies and resources which can be completed and looked at at home to support resilience and mental health discussions. Please take a look.

Addtional Work

Here is this week’s additional Oddizzi geography activity if you would like it.

Award Winners

I will give out certificate each week to children both at home and at school in celebration of all the amazing things they are doing. Here are this week’s winners.

Home Learning Award - Darcy - for consistently working so hard on all her home learning, for welcoming a challenge and for always presenting her work beautifully.

Busy Bee Effort Award - Oscar - for his consistent hard work, perseverance and independence at home and for never giving up.

School Learner Award - Corben - for the incredible effort and focus he has put into all his Maths work.

Shining Light Award - Zahra - for thinking carefully about her work and never giving up.

I hope you have a lovely weekend. Stay positive and try to do something you enjoy together.

Take care,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons.

AuthorLiam Whetnall