Well, Team Year 2, we’ve made it!…

It’s been another rather unusual half term in our small school lives so far but we’ve got through hopefully the largest part of it. You have all worked so hard at home and I have been consistently overwhelmed by the quantity and quality of all the work the majority of you have been completing and sending through to me. It has been an absolute pleasure to look through and I am incredibly reassured that our lovely children have maintained and continued to excel at their learning at a time of sweeping newspaper headlines about ‘falling behind’.

On that note, I implore each and every one of you to ENJOY your half term break. Spend quality time as a family, go out for exciting exercise trips, play games and enjoy talking to each other. Please do not worry about the headlines. As long as your child has been doing something, they are continuing to grow their brains. My only hope is that we can return to school soon. Not to ‘catch up’ on work, but rather to catch up with friends and enjoy being children! The rest will come together in the end.

I will not be sending any work home during the school break and I ask only that you continue to read. Whether this be books, websites, comics, magazines I do not mind but this is the most important thing for every child: reading for enjoyment!

I also kindly request that no work is submitted via Class Dojo after today until we begin the next lot of work on our return in a week’s time. Any work that is sent during the half term period I will not respond to and it will simply be approved. Many thanks for your understanding.

Home Learning

I will upload the work for after half term to the Google Drive before we break up today but please do not complete this over the holidays. I know some parents have said it is helpful to see the work a day or so before starting it to prepare what they need and so this will be uploaded simply to aid that

Dates for the Diary

Just a reminder that World Book Day 2021 is scheduled for Thursday 4th March. Children, whether at home or school, are encouraged to dress as a book character (those in school, please do not bring loose parts of costumes as we are trying to limit transmission from home to school and visa-versa) and we will also be running a bookmark competition (more information later for this). Class teachers are also hoping to record a story reading for those both at school and home to enjoy on the day.

Music With Mrs Benson

Here is this week’s message from Mrs Benson…

Award Winners

Home Learner Award - Emilia - for beautiful home learning and amazing Safer Internet Day Research.

Busy Bee Award - Harriet - for always giving her all and trying so hard with every task she undertakes.

School Learner Award - Lily T - for a fabulous attitude towards ALL her learning and for always brightening the classroom with her kindness.

Shining Light Award - Hallie - for helping other children without being asked whenever they struggle with their Maths

Special Golden Award - all of the Year 2 parents - for your amazing hard work and commitment to your children’s learning. I cannot thank you enough.

Have a happy half term and I look forward to hearing about what you’ve all been doing to relax.

Take care,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons.

AuthorLiam Whetnall