Good afternoon everyone,


It has been another busy week in Year 2 and we have been delighted with how the children have been developing, both socially and academically. They have come such a long way in such a small period of time.


This week we have been encouraging all the children’s independence and attitude towards ‘giving it a go’. Some of us still find it challenging to keep ourselves focused and to stay on task and we have talked about how important this is for allowing us to reach our potential this year. This is reflected in much of this week’s homework which aims to develop the children’s skills in letter and number formation and in critical maths skills such as counting in different amounts. Please do practice these skills regularly as I cannot overstate their importance.


This week…

In English, Mrs Bowdell’s group have been working hard on their common exception words and phonics skills to enable them to create exciting sentences which can be read by themselves and others. We have also been focusing upon our trickier digraph sounds (such as ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar and or) to help us to spell and read more confidently. Mr Whetnall’s group have been learning about Sister for Sale. We have written letters, described characters and written our own dialogue using inverted commas.

In Maths, we have been focusing upon skip counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. The children are quite confident with 5s and 10s but some are still finding counting in 2s and 3s tricky. Please continue to practice this. There are two homework tasks focused upon this too.

In Science, we finished our work on life cycles by looking at the life cycle of a mammal, specifically a sheep. The children wrote wonderful explanations of the life cycles.

In RE, we have finished our work on Abraham by retelling his story as a comic book and have now began our focus on Moses and how he was chosen by God to make a difference for his people.

In History, we have looked more closely at how the Great Fire of London began. We talked about the houses and the weather and discussed how we could improve the city of London to make it safer.


Parents’ Day

Friday 22nd October will be our parent consultation meeting day. There will be a text message sent out soon to allow you to book a time slot between 8.33 and 4pm. These meetings will be virtual in the interest of safety and will last for 10 minutes at which point the connection will cut out. If there are any specific questions you may have, please have them ready for the start of the meeting so they can be quickly discussed. I am also available by Class Dojo before this date if there are any questions you would like clarifying.



This week homework includes spelling words for both Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell’s groups. Please practice these regularly so your child is confident in spelling each word.

For English, there is a noun worksheet. The children need to look in a book to find an example of a person, place and thing noun and then use these in a sentence.

For Maths, there are 2 skip counting worksheets. We have found some children have really found this area tricky and so the extra practice is very important.

There is also a letter formation strip to use for reference for regular handwriting practice at home. Please use this as often as possible as a consistent style of handwriting enables children to work much more quickly and confidently.

Finally, there is a number formation tracing sheet. Some children are still writing some numbers back to front (particularly 2, 3, 5 and 9). Please practice these and then try to write your numbers without tracing on a separate piece of paper.


Award Winners

Golden Award – Elsie - for beautiful presentation of her work and for always being so positive and perseverant.

Writing Award – Nevaeh - for a wonderfully written letter.

Maths Award – Stephen - for trying so hard with his place value work.


Have a restful weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Collins

AuthorLiam Whetnall