Afternoon Year 2,

We’ve come to the end of our third week of blended learning and I have continued to be blown away by all the work you have been doing at home. Thank you once again for taking on every challenge you have been faced with. I am very proud of you all, Year 2.

Home Learning

Just a reminder that we need to see the work you have been completing at home every week. Please send me your English, Maths and afternoon work set from our Home Learning Google Drive via Class Dojo Portfolio. This allows us to keep track of how everyone is learning, give some feedback and identify any areas for further development where necessary. I know most of you have been doing this daily and I thank you for this (uploading work daily really helps me to keep on top of seeing everything).

Just an additional reminder in case anyone isn’t aware, for every lesson there is a lesson video which introduces the task or story which will be completed. Access the ‘plan’ word file in each week’s home learning and this gives you the structure of the day, plus links to the teaching videos.

Extra Home Learning Packs

Last week, I prepared two extra work booklets to be used as ADDITIONAL activities at home. Some of you were sent a text message to collect these from the school office, those of you in school will have been given them to take home and Mrs Wilson will have dropped off the others.

Just a reminder, these are not to be done INSTEAD OF the daily tasks on our Home Learning Google Drive, but rather they are there as ADDITIONAL activities if your child finishes the set tasks early. I do not need you to send me pictures of any completed work from these booklets. Please reminded the Google Drive tasks should be completed before doing the additional booklets.

Critical/Key Workers

If you child is attending school as a critical worker but is not attending full time please can you ensure that you access the home learning on the days they are at home. The learning is planned over the week (or longer) and so any missed tasks will lead to gaps in the children’s knowledge.

Additional Work

Here is this week’s extra Oddizzi Geography work.

PE with Joe is back on the Joe Wicks Youtube Channel.

Learners of the Week

Here is this week’s gallery of home learners. Keep up the excellent work, Year 2.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Gibbons and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall