Good afternoon everyone,

We’re at the end of our second week of this most unusual of times in education. It has been tough for children, parents and school staff alike and I have loved seeing that this difficult time has made us stronger as a community, rather than dividing us.

I would like to say just how overwhelmingly proud I am of all those children working from home. You have all been amazing. I have loved seeing all of your hard work and the pride you have taken in it. Mums, dads, nanas, grandads, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters… Thank you! You have been amazing support and I know you are all working whilst trying to manage child care and education. This is not easy!

It has been great to hear from so many families and working together to develop the children’s learning. Thank you for keeping at home and helping us all to remain safer. We do still have a large quantity of key worker children in school, particularly in Key Stage 1 and I urge parents to read Miss Haggerty’s website post regarding this. Thank you for helping us keep each other safe.

Additional Tasks

Attached here is an additional Oddizzi activity for those wanting a little more work.

Other additional tasks can be found at the bottom of next week’s home learning plan document or by clicking on the ‘Home Learning’ link on the Year 2 page.

There isn’t a lot more to say this week, other than keep up the hard work and let’s pray to God that this period of fear and uncertainty is resolved as soon as possible and we can welcome everyone back to school.

Learning of the Week

Here is a gallery of some of the learning we have received from those at home this week. We are proud of all of you.

AuthorLiam Whetnall