Good afternoon all,

Year 2 are really finding their stride in class and have had another busy week of learning. I have been very impressed by the children’s enthusiasm and hard work and I know they are very proud of themselves!

In English, we have finished planning our diary entries and have begun to write them carefully, thinking about capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

In Maths, we have really slowed down with our focus on place value and partitioning into tens and ones and have aimed to really understand this concept before we continue to move on.

In Science, we have looked at the life cycle of a butterfly and discussed how animals change as they grow. We have noticed that different types of animals have very different life cycles.

In History, we have looked at modern London and have discussed the sights and experiences anyone visiting London today might have.

In RE, we have been writing thank you prayers to God for all the gifts he has given us. I have been very impressed by how thoughtful the children’s prayers have been!

Isolation and Home Learning

In order to support those having to isolate for lengthier periods due to Covid symptoms, I have set up a Google Drive where I will upload some of the work we are doing in school in order to allow the children to keep up to date with learning in class.

I will only update this Google Drive folder when I have been made aware that children are having to isolate for the 10/14 day period and so it will not be updated every week. If you are isolating you can use the link to access the work to complete at home (each folder is named for the subject and the day it would normally be done at school). I have uploaded a general outline of our phonics weekly plan and there are two powerpoints to practise words. However, I will not be uploading the daily English work as this changes with the children’s needs. Instead, I will direct you to the Oak National Academy where you will be able to access units of work for English so your child can continue to reinforce their literacy skills at home.

Here is the link to the Google Drive work folder.

Please note, it will be difficult to print off and deliver daily work if your child is needing to isolate. However, all activities can be done on screen by writing the answers down on paper, without the need for printing.


Homework will be sent out this week as usual. There are spellings to practise, maths sheets, comprehension practice sheets, amongst other activities.

Please do not return these to school as this helps to minimise the risk of Covid spread.

Class Dojo

I believe that your child’s avatar can be edited and changed using Class Dojo. I am unsure how this is done as I do not have access to a parent/child account to explore. However, if you are able to, please feel free to change your child’s ‘monster’ picture to something they find more personal to themselves.

Pick Up and Drop Off

Finally, may I please remind all parents of the necessity to wear a face covering when dropping off and picking up your child from school. Working together, we can help limit the risks to children, parents and staff and make our school an even safer place to be!

Award Winners

Well done to all our award winners this week.

Golden Award - Ronnie - For his hard work, lovely manners and impeccable behaviour.

Writing Award - Alexander - For a lovely, thoughtful ‘thank you’ prayer.

Maths Award - Mia - For demonstrating super ability in partitioning numbers in different ways.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell.

AuthorLiam Whetnall