Good afternoon all!

The children have had yet another busy and hardworking week and are rising to the challenges that we present to them. It is wonderful to see them remember the old things that slipped their mind, as well as making those new connections to further advance their learning.

In English, we have finished writing our diary entries about a memorable trip or experience and I have really enjoyed reading about the fond memories the children have. There have been some absolutely cracking pieces of work and this has made it so hard to choose my writing award winner this week. Towards the end of the week we have looked at some coordinating conjunctions (and, or, but, so) and have made sensible and very silly sentences using these. I have been very proud of the children’s work in improving their sentences.

In Maths, we are slowly moving through our place value. This is an area that we always spend an extended period of time on because it is so crucial to every other mathematical concept we will learn. we have focused upon using tens and ones and partitioning numbers up into different combinations of tens and ones (35= 30 + 5, 20 + 15, 10 + 25, 0 + 35). This has been quite tricky for some of us to get our head around and I think some of us still need to cement our knowledge of creating numbers with tens and ones and separating them up, therefore there will be more tens and ones homework to reinforce this!

In Science, we have looked at more animals. We discussed birds and what characteristics define them. We then drew and labelled our own bird. What great artists we have! We then looked at the life cycle of a bird - a chicken! - and described how it changes as it grows

In RE, we have been learning about Abraham and how God chose him to lead His people. We learned about what God asked Abraham to do and the promises God made to him.

In History, we have been comparing modern London with London of the Great Fire. We learned how much the world has changed and how difficult life was for people in 1666!

In Art, we made Great Fire of London skyline pictures and used chalk to create fiery skies. This was very fun! I do have some pictures of this but my iPad is letting me down so I will upload them as soon as i can.

Jumpers and cardigans

Could I ask that you all check your child’s name is written on their jumper or cardigan as we have found a lot getting muddled up!


This week the spelling homework is focused upon ay ee igh and ow words. Please practise as regularly as possible for our test next Friday. In Maths, there are two place value worksheets. Could I also ask you to practise counting objects to 100 by grouping them into tens and encouraging the children to count the tens and then count on the ones. As well, could you also practise number formation. We have found lots of children reversing their numbers, particularly 3, 5, 6 and 7. In English, there is a coordinating conjunctions worksheet to complete and a simple reading comprehension to practise those SATS skills.

Award Winners

Our award winners this week are:

Golden award - Darcy - for working hard and supporting others.

Writing award - Hallie - for a super diary entry.

Maths award - Lola Mae - for her super place value work.

Home Learning

If your child is having to stay at home due to Covid 19 symptoms, please let me know as soon as possible via Class Dojo or so that I can upload work to the google drive for them to complete. Thanks!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall