Hello everyone!

Here we are the end of our first full week in Year 2. We’ve had lots of fun and worked very hard and we are starting to get into the swing of our new time table. The children have been fantastic and it has been lovely to see them all so happy and settled in class.


May I just request that if your child displays any symptoms of being unwell that you keep them away from school and try to arrange to be tested. It seems to be cold season again but obviously Covid-19 symptoms can be confused with cold symptoms so please express extra caution at this difficult time. We are trying our best to keep everyone as safe as possible but any germs brought into the classroom can quickly spread so please be extra vigilant. Thank you.

May I also remind that Year 2 start their day at 9am currently so can we ask that they are not sent in to school before this as it creates problems for us to keep everyone safe and stagger starting times.

The Week Gone By…

It’s been a busy old week!

In English we are preparing to write diary entries and have learned all about the past tense, conjunctions, adjectives and time phrases. The children have been rehearsing and writing their sentences carefully.

In Maths we have been looking at place value and learning how numbers are made up of tens and ones. We have been making these numbers with equipment and learning to draw representations of these using chunky chips and peas (ask your child!)

In Science we have been learning about animals and how they grow. We will continue this next week by looking at the life cycle of a butterfly.

In RE we have been learning that we are all chosen by God to do special things. We have written about what we have been chosen to do and talked about our gifts from God and how we can use them to honour him.

In History we have used atlases to locate Blackpool and London on a map and talked about whast is similar and different about these places in modern times.


Homework this week is a spelling sheet of tricky red words that we just need to rememeber how to spell. We will carry out a spelling test on these words next Friday so please practise at home as much as possible.

There is also a maths worksheet where the children need to write the numbers represented by tens and ones.

Finally, there is an English activity where children must choose an adjective to describe a noun.

***Please do not return homework to school as this could potentially increase the risk of infection.***

Award Winners

This week’s award winners are…

Golden award - Harriet - for her enthusiasm, hard work and generally being a superstar!

Writing award - Lily - for super description sentences.

Maths Award - Olivia W - for fabulous place value work.

Thank you for your continued support and have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell.

AuthorLiam Whetnall