Good afternoon and welcome back to our second half term as Year 2s!

Well, it seems that we are back into another spell of restrictions in our second lockdown. I just thank the Lord that we are still able to attend school. We all see just how much children are enjoying being back around their friends and continuing their learning and it is so lovely to be able to provide that little bit of normality at another worrying and uncertain time.

That being said, may I please direct your attention to our general page on our website which Miss Haggerty has updated with guidance on when and how to isolate in a range of circumstances involving contact with the coronavirus. It is of the utmost importance that all parents and guardians read and are familiar with this advice and take the appropriate action if necessary in order to keep our bubble - and our school - open to all. Thank you!

This first week back has been very busy and we have been working hard as always.

In English, we have been looking at extracts from Samuel Pepys’ diary and acting them out in groups. We have been exploring adjectives and similes and using these to write our own wonderful setting descriptions about London during the fire. Our grammar focus has been upon expanded noun phrases.

In Maths, we have spent a few days looking at number bonds and also discovering related facts linked to these bonds. We learned that addition can be done in any order, but subtraction can’t as we always need to subtract a part from our whole. We have been looking at what happens when we move the = symbol around in our number sentences and this has been quite tricky to grasp but we have done very well!

In Science, we have finished off our work on things that are alive, were alive and have never been alive and have been explaining how we know which things go in each category.

In RE, we have begun our work on mysteries and have started to ask questions which are difficult to answer. We have even had a go at giving our own ideas on this and have realised there are no right or wrong answers!

In HRE, we have been looking at our feelings and have discussed feeling left out and how this might make us feel. I was blown away by the clarity and vocabulary of the children when discussing their experiences in such a mature and thoughtful manner.


Before half term, Year 2 took part in a KS1 quiz and guess what? We won! Our prize is a movie afternoon with popcorn and I will let you know when this has been confirmed.

Phonics Screening

You may or may not be aware that in Year 1 the children are required to take a phonics screening check to assess their confidence and fluency in using and applying phonics. However, this was not possible due to school closures and therefore, our Year 2 children will be taking their phonics screening check this half term. I have not confirmed an exact date as of yet but it will probably be at the earliest towards the end of November or into December. Please do continue to practice recognising every sound on the sound mats sent home and keep practicing the green words, encouraging your child to sound out even if they are confident. One of this week’s homework tasks is a phonics screening practice.


Homework tasks for this week have been sent home and are also live on our Year 2 Homework page.

Christmas Shoe Boxes

At school, we are collecting gifts for Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. In Year 2 we are collecting small picture, puzzle and activity books. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Award Winners

This week’s award winners are…

Golden award - Lilly C - for her fabulous attitude and work ethic towards her learning. What a great start to the half term!

Writing award - Connie - for a super setting description about London, which used lots of great similes.

Maths award - Teddy - for his excellent work on finding fact families.

Well done everyone!

Have a restful weekend,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall