Good afternoon,

It’s the end of a very busy half term in Year 2. The children have settled into Year 2 fantastically and have worked so incredibly hard. We’re proud of every single one of them.

Obviously this week has been quite unusual and our in-person numbers have dwindled but those who have been in class have been very busy. Likewise, it has been lovely to see all the hard work of those doing home learning. Thank you to those of you who have sent me work!


In lieu of our usual parent consultations, we have instead decided to send out a small report to keep you updated on how your children have settled into their new class. These will be emailed to you at 10am on Friday (23rd) morning. They are a quick summary on your child’s learning so far but I was just like to say that it is still very early in the year and we have missed out on quite a bit of school so please don’t panic if the progress does not quite meet your expectations. There is still a while to go! If there are any major concerns you have regarding a report, I can be contacted tomorrow (Friday 23rd) between 10am and 2pm by Dojo/email or you can request a phone conversation if necessary.


At half term, I never set homework as I feel it is important for the children to enjoy their break and get some much needed rest.

However, due to our in class numbers, we have not taken the spelling test for last week’s homework so we will do this the Friday we return to school. Therefore, you could practice these words again at home during the break.


Today, those of us in class took the PTA quiz. We did really well and had a great time. Many thanks to Miss Heim-Sarac and the PTA for organising it.

If you were unable to attend school, I have attached the quiz here so that you can have a go at home! Can you get full marks?

Half term

Over the half term break I will not be checking my email or Class Dojo messages so any messages/work sent after 2pm tomorrow will not be seen until we return to school. Thanks for your understanding.

Have a lovely half term and we look forward to seeing you in November,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall