poppy wreath.jpg

This week in school we have been thinking carefully about those who have fought and those who have give their lives to help us to enjoy the freedom we have today. We have talked about why we are thankful for the sacrifice those brave souls made and have learned all about the wars and conflicts we remember on Remembrance Day. In class we have also made a poppy wreath to display in our worship area.

It has been yet another busy week in Year 2.

In English we have been working hard to write our diary entries from the Great Fire. We have used similes, expanded noun phrases and fabulous vocabulary to really make our diaries engaging to our audience. We have even begun to edit the work we have done. We are super writers!

In Maths we have spent a long time looking at inverse and related facts and have worked on addition and subtraction by counting carefully on and back on number lines. Next we will look at how we can use inverse facts to check addition and subtraction sentences.

In Science, we have begun our work on habitats and have been exploring a variety of world habitats and exploring the different living things we might find in these places.

In RE we have been responding to our friend’s wonder questions and I have been so impressed by the way the children have expressed themselves.

In Geography we have been looking at our planet and have been identifying physical and human features we might find on Earth. We have labelled physical features of Earth from a satellite photos.

Phonics Screening

If you would to practise reading more with your children in preparation for the phonics check this half term, please use the sound mat sent with the phonics booklet last half term. Please practise reading every sound so children are familiar with them all and choose some of the green words to practise.

The phonics screening check also gives children ‘alien’ words to read (words they won’t recognise by sight so will accurately check their ability to apply phonics skills). I have attached 4 different alien word practise documents here. First. Second. Third. Fourth. Use these to sound out words to read them.


Here are this week’s award winners…

Golden Award - Zahra - for a fabulous attitude and super hard work.

Writing Award - Henry - for trying so hard in his writing and working independently.

Maths Award - Tommy - for his positive and desire to be challenged in his Maths work.

Operation Christmas Child

Many thanks for the incoming shoe box gifts you have been sending, these are very much appreciated!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall