All of us in Year 2 have been working very hard this week and growing our brains in all kinds of ways. We have been completing a variety of activities and have been having fun as we do this.

In English we have finished writing our Great Fire of London diaries. I have honestly been blown away by the quality and effort many of the children have put into these. They’ve been a pleasure to read! Our grammar and punctuation focus has been upon using commas for lists.

In Maths, we have focused on using inverse facts to check calculations. This has been a little tricky for us to master but we have learned that unless all 3 numbers are the same in the inverse calculation then the initial calculation must have been wrong. We have also done some work on comparing number sentences. We learned that we can either identify similarities and use this to compare or we can simply calculate the answers to both parts and then compare the totals.

In Science, we have explored seaside habitats and the plants and animals that live here. We have written about three living things in these environments and explained how they are suited to these habitats.

In Geography, we have learned about the seven continents and labelled them. Get your child to sing you the continent song!

In RE we have explored symbols of the Holy Trinity. The children have designed their own Trinity symbol which includes parts for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. On Thursday we made them into models using clay and next week we will paint them!

Award Winners

Here are our award winners for this week…

Golden Award - Elsie - for her positive attitude towards her learning and for being a superstar.

Writing Award - Grace - for a super Great Fire of London diary.

Maths Award - Rosanna - for her hard work in comparing number sentences.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall