Good afternoon everyone!

We’re nearly at the end of our first half term in Year 2 and… so far, so good! Let’s keep everything crossed that it continues this way!

This week…

In English, we have been continuing to develop our phonic knowledge, editing and writing sentence and looking at alien words!

In Maths, we’ve had a focus on skip counting (2s and 5s so far). Please can you continue to practise counting particularly in 5s and 3s which some children find quite tricky!

In Science, we have looked at how humans change as they grow and related this to our work on the life cycle of a mammal.

In RE, we have written wonderful diary entries on behalf of Moses’ sister, Miriam, retelling the story of his coming to the Pharoah’s palace.

In History, we have taken a look at the reasons we know so much about the Great Fire of London - Samuel Pepys! We learned about his life and why he is significant (ask your child about this) and produced posters explaining our new knowledge.

In D&T, we have created 3D pictures of some iconic buildings from the Great Fire - Ludgate, Old St Paul’s Catherdral and the Royal Exchange.

Phonics Support Booklet

I have sent all of you a phonics support booklet home to look through (some are in plastic packs, some on their own.) This contains all the green words for every single phonics sounds - you can use these to practise reading and writing words with particular sounds - and the red words learned throughout the scheme. There are also sound mats for all the sounds we learn from sets 1, 2 and 3 to practise at home. I hope they are helpful!

Home Learning

If you are needing to isolate, please remember to use this link for the Home Learning Google Drive. If you want to support your child over the half term holidays, you could also use activities in here from previous weeks to revisit tricky topics.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Corben - for lovely manners

Writing Award - Dominic - for another super piece of writing

Maths Award - Peter - for working really hard in his skip counting.

Have a great weekend everyone,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall