
The above scripture, taken from The Parable of the Wedding Banquet and this Sunday’s gospel fits in very aptly with our learning this half term. We are all facing challenges that may lead us to choose not to try our best or to give up but we are invited by God to live by Jesus’ example and by persevering, helping others and trying hard we can be chosen; just like Abraham and Moses who we have been learning about.

It has been another busy week in Year 2 this week.

In English, we have settled in well to our new Read Write Inc groups and are focusing and trying really hard to develop our skills. We have practised our reading skills and have developed our writing skills. Our grammar focus has been upon question sentences.

In Maths, we have spent a few days looking at comparing and ordering numbers. We learned that when we order numbers, we first need to compare them and we do this by looking first at the tens and then at the ones. We will continue this next week before moving on to look at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

In Science, we learned about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and wrote about the life cycle of a sheep for our focus on mammals.

In RE, we have learned all about Moses and how he was chosen by God to help his people. We have explored our feelings when we hear the story and have considered the good and bad parts.

In History, we learned more about the Great Fire. Specifically, why it spread so quickly and why it burned for so long. Ask your child to explain all the reasons for this. You’ll be amazed!

Parent Consultations

Due to current restrictions and guidelines, parent meetings will not be able to take place in their current form this half term. We will instead be providing a simple one page ‘report’ which will tell you all about how your child is settling in, how much progress they have made so far and their level of effort. It will also have some targets for the children to achieve which can also be worked on at home. These will most likely be sent out on the morning of Friday 23rd October. I will be available on this day for any concerns you may have via email on or via ClassDojo. Please do remember that the children are still catching up on all the missed schooling and so may not quite be where they would normally be at this point.


Golden Award - James - for being polite, kind and hardworking.

Writing - Dominic - for working hard in his Read Write Inc written work.

Maths - Oscar - for his independence and confidence in this week’s maths work.

I hope you all have a great weekend and we will see you on Monday,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall